Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Organogenesis Smell

Organogenesis Smell - Organogenesis called morphogenesis. Primitp embryo grows into a definitive shape, and has the appearance of spesifek for families in a single animal species. Organogenesis combined two periods: between growth and final growth.

In pertumbuhsn ataua transition occurs between transformation and differentiation of the parts of the embryo daari primitive forms that become definitive form. While on embryo limits the growth period between the end of the tadpoles in animals, such as found in Evertebrata, Pisces Amphibians, pertumhuhan period between tingkta called tadpoles.

Transformation and Differentiation
Transformation and differentiation of the parts of the embryo the primitive form:

Extension and tube-tube growth that forms on tubulasi
Evaginasi and invagination certain areas sriap tube
Uneven growth in the various regions of guide
Transfer of cells from one tube to another tube or between the tube kerongga
Growth tool consists of various tissues, which come from various tube
Perorganisasi tools into systems: digestive system, blood peredarann, urogenitalia systems, and so on.
Completion of the outer shape (morphology, romance) embryos in detail, delicate and individual.

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