Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Genital ridge containing

Genital ridge containing cells to develop gonads. Germ stem cells (primordium germ cells) come into the yolk sac of to become gametes. Nephrotome grow into kidney dam-line channel.
Somati mesoderm and splanchnic mesoderm will develop:

Pouch gill (branchial pouches) in the foregut pharynx. Gill sacs were paired, trained by endoderm inner, outer ectoderm and mesoderm in the middle.
Selaptu body cavity and binding equipment in: pericardium.pleura, peritoneum, mesentery. All membranes composed of flattened epithelial cells called mesothelium and connective tissue.

Mekanism differentiation-derivatives of all three germ layers influenced factors:
1. Core2. Cytoplasm3. Microenvironment4. physical5. Hormone


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