Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

reproductive systems in Men and Women

rinary and reproductive systems in Men and Women
The term-term Needs to Know

Cranial = head, ventral = stomach, back = dorsal, caudal = tail.
Hereinafter called the area anterior cranial (front), caudal called the posterior (rear).
If from cranial to caudal midline is made, it can be differentiated medial region (middle) and lateral (side, the further away from the center).
Distal point far away from the body and proximal point closer to the body.

SYSTEM urinal

Forming part of the urine, which both kidneys
Parts supplier: renal tract, bladder and bladder.
Children are not classified as renal excretion tool.


Composed of two pieces, shaped like a bean, located on the rear wall of the abdominal cavity height segments upper lumbar spine.
Left kidney is higher than the right kidney.
Urine formed in the renal pelvis collects filtering, which is a cavity located in the center of the kidney.


The ureter crosses the pelvic (pelvic inlet) in front bifucartio iliaca communis, then headed to the caudal and dorsal ventral a. iliaca interna, until the area spina ischiadika, ureter turned into ventral and medial to lead to urinary vesicles at the lateral angle.
Place the mouth of the ureter into the urinary form of gallbladder wall slash (oblique) along approximately 1.9 cm, working as a valve.

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